Lys Hansen

Oil on canvas
As a Scottish Artist of international repute Lys needs no introduction. As a new teacher, I drew in one of her life drawing classes for practice (rather in awe of her) where her only comment to me was that my training showed. I took from that that I needed to think less and express more. Great advice, Lys has always been my role model, a gold standard in being what an artist should be. She is always driven to make work in her own style, portraying subject matter that resonates with me. Although my work is not at all similar in style or immediately similar in content, our work is not dissimilar in the values portrayed; family, a sense of history, a political conscience and a need to record things of importance. I was honoured to teach her some printmaking recently and found her to be the humblest student. Enjoying the company of the others and taking practical advice when given. She was a pleasure to be with, it was a delight to see the work she produced unfold.